Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Pot To P*ss In

If you haven't heard about the issues currently surrounding the Queen of Butter, Paula Deen, consider yourself lucky (or in a coma). Since the news breaking deposition hit the internet earlier this month, social media, news sites, and the blogosphere have run wild about Ms. Deen calling people the N-word.  And just as quickly, her endorsements dropped faster than a heaux's drawls during NBA All Star weekend.

Then the rants came "everyone uses the word, why are they treating her so bad" , "they are being unfair to her" and so on and so on.  It is my belief that a majority of the people that are squawking about the case haven't even read the lawsuit, or deposition to give a more informed opinion of the situation.  

From what I have read, Paula is clueless about how her brothers actions and her non-actions, have caused this entire thing to spiral out of control.  When allegations about her brother stealing from the restaurant arose, which is "funded with Deen money", they addressed the issue by giving the brother a pay increase, and writing off the missing money.  The same person that reported her brothers actions, a long time friend, is now someone that Paula claims may be jealous of her and her brothers success and is no longer a credible source in her eyes.  

Another incident in which Ms. Deen showcases her brilliant "non-action" super power, is when a complaint is brought about, by someone who witnessed work place violence by her brother Bubba.  So how was it confirmed if the claim was true or not?  The boss, Bubba, and manager on site, walked up to the gentleman (Big Will), placed their hand on his shoulder and basically asked him what happened.  He didn't admit to any allegations.  NOWWWWWWWWWW, in my mind, I am wondering, just really what would you expect an employee to say to his boss who has a record for being awful?  This man's job was probably on the line, and in GA, in this economy, I wouldn't say jobs are just waiting for you at your doorstep when you wake up every morning.  

I know what you're saying, but that's Bubba's issue, not Paula's.   And I simply reply meh.  Yea meh.  They're both stakeholders in the company, 50/50. And Paula had the sense to hire an independent company to review the company and culture of the restaurant.  And then they were to report their findings to Ms. Deen.  That's awesome!  Right?  Well when the results were not in favor of Bubba & Madame Parkay  Paula, she claimed that the independent review was skewed by several parties, including Lisa Jackson.  Lisa Jackson is the woman filing suit.  When asked if Ms. Deen read the report, she could only answer "I may have".  When asked if she had a copy of the report she answers "I may, or it may be at the corporate office".  *sigh*

Ms. Deen understands sexual harassment to be "when someone comes on to you in the workplace". 

I don't know, there is just so much to write.  I don't think Paula is an evil person.  Nope. Given all the fodder I have based on the testimony I have read, I only see her as "clueless".  She can't seem to get out her world, to understand that some things just need to be kept at home.  Bubba probably should not be running the restaurant.  He's a liability.  

Paula needs to also look back at her dry face crying apology on the Today Show, and understand why saying "I is what I is..." probably wasn't a smooth move.  

In regards to her endorsments, I'm not shocked or saddened.  This is business.  Strictly that.  And if you look closely a lot of these companies haven't completely severed ties with Paula. Many have merely taken a "hiatus" from peddling her products.  Even QVC gave us a hint that there would be the rebirth of Paula Deen the Great, when they said "People deserve second chances."  Paula signed a morality clause with all of these companies (I'm assuming).  And if something you do happens to break it, welp, then your contract may become null and void.  This isn't a witch hunt.  It's business.  Shoot some of the companies dropping her don't have a "moral" leg to stand on themselves, so this scapegoating of Paula is Grrrrrrrrrreat PR for them.  
It's the circle of life.  Paula just needs to go bye bye, for a little bit.  Get some perspective.  Don't start making appearances on PolitcsNations with Al Sharpton, Ivylana's Fix My Life or frequenting black churches....Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!  Sure many of us have said bad things in our lives, but I am only representing myself.   Even your family and friends will drop you if you say things  or act in a manner that are against their moral fiber (even if they are living foul themselves) but that is their prerogative.  

In my opinion she has a somewhat twisted view on people of color.  Some of that can be chalked up to her upbringing but the majority of it is chalked up to her inability to grow up (mentally) from those views.  To think" slaves" being waiters at a formal dinner is a fabulous idea shows me that she is still quite juvenile.  

She'll be on some Oprah Life Class episode soon.  And I heard she's hired crisis manager Olivia Pope  (Judy Smith).   

And you can still go buy your Paula Deen pot sets , no one is judging you!  

While you were deep frying butter this week in support of Paula Deen, here's what else went on in news:

George Zimmerman’s lawyer opens with claim Trayvon Martin attacked his client: ‘There are no monsters here’

Read more:

Obama vows to tackle pollution, climate change — even without Congress' help

Read more:

Supreme Court strikes down part of Voting Rights Act 

Read more:

Supreme Court strikes down Defense of Marriage Act

Read more:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's Me, Not You (Follow Up to Notes In C-Minor)

Despite what I feel were my best efforts, this morning I was still in the same place I was last month.  The struggle with the school system to accommodate my daughter in school was annoying.  I had the perfect opportunity to have my daughter tested for ADD but the forms completed by the teacher painted a different picture than our one on one conversations.  According to her reports there was nothing out of the ordinary about my daughter.  She was fine.  This in turn suggested to the people that were considering testing my child for ADD that she was not an optimal candidate.  While they believed she did have some traits, they were not strong enough to warrant testing and inclusion in their study. 

Those words cut deep.  So basically I am at square one.  As tears streamed down my face, I questioned why I felt alone in this struggle, and why I had to prove to people that my child could benefit from a little bit of flexibility and assistance during school.  

I sat in the car, in the drive way of my youngest daughters daycare, and just cried.  I felt defeated and exhausted.  Then I started thinking about other things that made me sad, and I was a mess.  Things that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the current issue began racing through my head. I started making decisions that I wasn't going to do this anymore, and that I wasn't going to do that anymore, and basically people could kiss my butt, because I am tired of helping people with their problems as I struggle through my own.  

But just as quickly as the anger and pain came, it went away.  I started putting things into perspective.  I realized that there was nothing WRONG with my daughter.  She learns differently.  Cool.  Address that! I don't need a diagnosis to get me a piece of paper, to demand a subpar school system, to force their subpar school to make the subpar principal create an EIP or 504 plan for my child.   I've had conversations with teachers about her being off track more times than I care to remember, but just realized that they will NOT put anything in writing.  Maybe it's to protect them, the school or the County. I don't know.  

I just need to know what works for my little girl and go that route.  That includes keeping the focus on school this summer.  She's enrolled in engineering camp this summer. I am hoping that will help her see what's out there for her when she graduates school.  I am also working hard to find an alternative school for her.  I have a feeling we won't be able to enroll her next year because deadlines have passed and we aren't financially ready to send her.  I hate the fact that she will be in a school that is teaching to pass state tests to prove the teachers can teach the state test material, but hey, my hands are tied right now. I have no other options.  I can only plan ahead.  

I've committed myself to stop chasing a diagnosis.  I know what I know.  I'm her mother, and I knew this child was cut from a different cloth the moment she first kicked in the womb, I am satisfied with my diagnosis....Everything about this beautiful child is perfectly RIGHT.  I will encourage her to continue to ask questions, speak her mind and explore the unknown.  It's her world!   And I cannot believe that I was struggling to put society's standards on her, like she was the problem.   She has already taught me a thing or two, and I absolutely adore her for this life lesson!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Mike Check

Yesterday my Facebook feed ran rampant with discussions of an interview Michael Douglas did with The Guardian newspaper.  It was said that he stated: 

 "...his cancer had been caused by having contracted the human papillomavirus (HPV) through oral sex."

I'm almost positive that pediatrician offices and primary care physician phone lines are ringing crazier than ........ (I tried to think of something witty, and just couldn't think of anything!!  Feel free to fill in the blank in the comments section..LOL).

So anyway, yea, the doctors are going to be returning a LOT of calls today.  

How could this one small interview, cause so much ruckus?  I've seen quite a few debates and discussions on HPV, cancer and everything in between since yesterday.  Michael Douglas even appeared on a few morning shows this morning.  

His rep is now trying to clear the air, by saying: 
"Michael Douglas did not say cunnilingus was the cause of his cancer. It was discussed that oral sex is a suspected cause of certain oral cancers as doctor's in the article point out but he did not say it was the specific cause of his personal cancer." - USA Today

But the "damage" was already done. Women are in a panic at the water cooler on how their man would rather go hungry than to get "coochie-mouth cancer like that guy from Basic Instinct".  *sigh*

All jokes aside, I just urge people to do your research!!  Read more about HPV than what appears on your Twitter & FB newsfeed.  Don't let be your leading source on what the virus is, and how it affects your body. 

I found a few good sites to give you more information:

While I am not claiming Michael Douglas of doing this, but we must all be cognitive of the fact that folks don't always have our best interest at heart.  I believe Michael thought he was going to lose his life when told he had stage 4 throat cancer.  I will NEVER try to mitigate a survivors experience.  But I will also remember that a celebrity who "speaks out" about a disease or issue, could also have their pockets lined in gold by the Pharmaceutical companies.  We don't always know a person's angle, which is why I urge you to do your own research, and not fuel the fire by spreading misinformation.

While you were worrying about flavored dental dams and bedazzling your cooch, these events have occured:

And this!!
Whoa!!  LOL!

How has all this talk about HPV affected you?  Are you leaning towards reading more about the vaccination?  Has it not swayed you at all?