Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Poppin Bottles!

My husband and I have been raising babies since WE were babies.  We met in college and instead of working hard towards our degree, we were working hard in other areas..... (sorry mom).
Our hard work really paid off! I got a gig as a "mom" and that was that.  I left school to move back with my mom so I could sort some things out.  Shyt just got real and I needed to take care of it.  I went back to school and got a full time job in the government.
But life was too easy! I needed more pressure.  I needed to be stressed, what good was the hair on my head if it wasn't grey or being ripped out from stress, so I had another "oops" baby.   If I thought shyt was real then, well then it definitely got REAL-er with this second pregnancy.

But I didn't let that deter me from the goals I set out before I became a mom.  I received my degree 1 month before I had my second baby, and I found a career track that I knew I would enjoy at my place of employment.  The father of the kids and I married and bought a house, I even enrolled in school to get my Masters degree.  I was at peace.  

Things were going according to my plan and well I was happy with my somewhat dysfunctional family.  But I still wasn't bald!!!  Lord why is my life so easy.  I mean I was just making ends meet! I NEED to struggle! I mean those weren't my actual thoughts, but your would have thought they were when I announced being pregnant with our third baby.

Aaaah, now I felt better.  I was irregular.  I had constant headaches.  I gained weight.  THIS is what life is about, right?  Stressed the FREAK out, looking crazy?  But then the questions started coming.....
"When are you guys going to try for the boy?"

Man, if yall don't sit down somewhere!?!  I haven't seen this many people in my uterus since my last baby was born!! I mean if we were living in a DELUXE apartment in the sky-y-y-y, I could see maybe people asking that question.  But we don't.  Or maybe if you handed a large sack full of $100 dollar bills prior to you saying that, I wouldn't be as angry. 

I did the math.  I need to stop while I am ahead if I want to be like this:

And so my husband won't be like this:
(no he wouldn't really bail out!! LOL! Just thought it was a funny gif)

So unless you are going to pay for daycare, diapers, and offer to babysit for Baby Neva, then stop asking when we are going to try for the boy.  

We are not here for your repopulation efforts!! I am looking forward to vacations out of the country, without worrying if I left enough breastmilk in the freezer for the baby.  Nerp! NO WAY! No how!

I love my kids to DEATH and wouldn't change anything for all the riches in the world but.........................I'M DONE POPPIN BOTTLES!

*disclaimer: if by any chance I happen to get pregnant again after this, I HIGHLY suggest you put ol' girl on suicide watch*


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Notes in C-minor


"She is reading below grade level"
"She is breaking crayons and hiding them in her bag"
"I often have to give her extra time on tests"
"I have to get her attention in class"
"We have to clear her desk so she doesn't get preoccupied"

Over the last 4 years, I've heard the aforementioned statements about my daughter.  My husband and I have had talks with the teachers and worked on plans to improve her reading skills.  We've also discussed issues of inattentiveness in the classroom.  But the teachers ALWAYS shared how well mannered and sweet our daughter was.  

The one incident that has always stood out the most was the crayon incident.  Someone at my daughters work station was breaking the classroom crayons.   The teacher pin pointed my daughter as the culprit after the evidence was found in the bottom of her book bag. When we confronted my daughter about the incident she burst into tears and told us she had no idea how the crayons got into her bookbag and that she didn't break them.  A week later, the teacher caught her in the act.  My daughter was only in Kindergarten.  She wasn't a liar, and she had a really sweet spirit.   I honestly felt that she didn't realize she was breaking the crayons.  

As a small child, my daughter was very busy!  Running around the house and bouncing on the couch cushions while watching T.V. was the norm for her.  I only questioned her hyperactivity a few times with the pediatrician, who assured me that this was normal.  She also had phases.  When she was a baby she went through a phase where she would ONLY suck on the nipple of a bottle.  No bottle attached, just the ring and the nipple.  She didn't want the pacifier.  As a toddler, she would ONLY wear dresses during one phase.  Then the flip flop phase.  She would have a full out meltdown if you did not accommodate these phases.  The dress phase included a complete wardrobe revamp (courtesy of grandma) of nothing but dresses.  
I'm sure you're saying to yourself, "Shoot, I ain't doing all that for a 2 year old".  And the old me would have chuckled at the thought of changing my life to accommodate this little girl.  But the reality was, we did what we could to make my daughter happy.  She wasn't a brat about things.  This wasn't a "I want dessert before dinner" type of relationship we had with her.  It was a random phase that she would go through and everything else was normal.  

As she grew up, she was always drawn to very big words.  Instead of saying something was hard, she would say difficult.  (maybe not a big word to you, but with her being 3, it seemed impressive).  She loved to perform, and at 4 sang "At Last" by Etta James during her school's Black History Month program.  She's done ballet, ice skating, cheerleading, gymnastics, girl scouts, liturgical dance, and is now learning to play the electric guitar.   
But something was still off for me.  Homework sessions usually involved tears, and constant redirection.  You could put her in the most boring room  and she would find something, anything, to take her attention away from the task.  We eventually began using timers for math homework.  At home, she excelled in her work (meaning came to the correct solution without help from anyone), which is why we were puzzled when her school grades showed us something different.  Reading short stories and answering questions about the story seemed to be a difficult task for her. 

I also realized that at times she can be socially awkward.  She hates large crowds.  She constantly needs to know the who, what and why of a lot of things.  Even a trip to the store can be daunting if I deviate from what I said we were going to do.  If you lay out steps A-D for her, she is fine, but if you add A-1, A-2, then go to B, or take out B completely, there is an issue and she needs to understand why.  (I hope that made sense) Nonetheless, EVERYONE loves my daughter and thinks her random comments and reactions are "cute" or "funny", when I see something completely different.  

I read this presentation and found a lot of similarities with my daughter:

My current situation involves my realization that my little girl may have a slight learning disability.  But I have been unsuccessful in proving this to the school.  My goal at a recent meeting was to work together with her schools team to have my daughter tested for any learning disabilities she may have. Instead I felt unheard, and my concerns for my child ignored. 

At the beginning of the meeting, my daughters teacher stated that my child was distracted easily and that she had to get her attention to focus back on her work. I pointed out her grades of C's & D's, and was given subpar responses as to why her grades were that way.

The psychologist discussed that since my daughter didn't display outlandish behavior (i.e. - blurting out answers, not standing in line) that she didn't need to be tested for ADHD.  The principal even mentioned the rules of IDEA, but failed to address how her lack of paying attention was a detriment to her learning.

Because my daughter said hello in the morning, raised her hand to ask a question and stood in line during lunch, she did not fit the requirement for testing for ADHD.

The staff was unmoved by my attempt to show them my struggle, and my concerns.  They all concluded that since there was improvement in her grades and reading level after some form of intervention was administered that she didn't have a disability.  

 It is inappropriate to use passing grades or achievement test scores as a "litmus test" in eligibility determination decisions. Intelligence has no bearing on disability or need. Even individuals with genius level IQs can have a disability that affects their ability to access the curriculum.

My daughter has been seeing a therapist for a few months, and the therapist also recommended testing.  She saw signs of ADHD.  

My husband, father in law, and I have been working on some things to keep my daughter focused.  We have incorporated more reading time, and allow her to pick books that she is genuinely interested in.  

The schools "solution" for my daughter not finishing her classwork is to allow her to finish the work during morning warm up.    
  So does that mean she is going to miss out on warm up work?  How is that made up?  ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!  

I can't with these public schools in my County.  I'm tired of the state assessments that say my child is in the lowest percentile compared to other students in her grade.  I'm tired of the teachers giving my child extra time for tests and school work, without discussing with her parents.  Then they get upset when she is daydreaming during the extra time!   I am just TIRED!  

We are currently looking for school settings that are more conducive to my daughters learning habits.  It's been hard because they are all asking $16k a year for tuition (starting).    Financial aid is very limited.  We found one school that we feel our daughter would be perfect in.  The environment is exactly what she would need.  There is no structured seating (face forward, listening to a teacher teach for a test).  The school encourages thinking outside of the box.  The students give positive affirmation to each other.  It's just wonderful.  We're currently on the waiting list for that school.  

Have you ever been where I have been?  If so, how did you manage?  What steps did you take?  I know those with kids on the autism spectrum can have an even tougher time.